
I taught myself to crochet thanks to the wonders of YouTube. I initially gave up after the first attempt, but after a few more attempts, I got the hang of it. My inspiration was a lady called Laura (Laura Loves Crochet) who creates the most amazing animals, purses and other crochet items.

I enjoy crocheting a variety of items, from hats and scarves to toadstools, flowers and Christmas trees. I’ll give most things a go, but the one crochet item that is always available here at Purple-Bug Crafts are my crochet bees. All my crochet bees are UKCA approved, having gone through rigorous testing to ensure their safety for all ages. My bees are made using Women’s Institute Yarn and prices start at just £5.

Time is a key consideration when it comes to crochet. It takes such a long time to make anything. A basket can be created in a day, but a bIanket can take a week or more to make. 

I am happy to crochet bespoke items. I have many different yarn types and colours. If you know what you would like making, such as a basket, or hat and scarf, please ask and I’ll see what I can make for you. I love a chunky yarn, so I have plenty of them in stock!

Please remember, that items are for decorative purposes only, other than my bees, which comply to current UKCA regulations. 

Get in Touch!

If you have a question or would like to find out more about my items please either complete the contact form or contact me via:

Facebook: Purple Bug Crafts

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